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Career Credentialing Courses

Be ready to enter the workforce or continue your education after high school!

Centerville High School is developing career credentialing courses in partnership with Sinclair Community College. Students receive dual credit through Sinclair/College Credit Plus as well as CHS.

Career credentialing courses currently offered at CHS include:

  • Manufacturing
    (2-year program for juniors/seniors)
  • State Tested Nurse Aides
    (1-year program for seniors)

Other courses in skilled trades, as well as opportunities to obtain professional licenses and certifications, are offered through the Career Technical Education program, which is a partnership between Centerville, Kettering, and Oakwood high schools.

Opportunities also are offered throughout the year for students to learn about careers in skilled trade industries, as well as the education and experience needed to fill those roles.

Image of student working on small engine

Contact Us

Craig Suttman
Career Tech Education Principal
Email Mr. Suttman

Marion Delatore
Career Pathways Counselor
Email Mr. Delatore

Mona Romer
Career Tech Education Secretary
Email Ms. Romer

Related News

What career is right for you?

CHS has partnered with Naviance, an online system that provides students with comprehensive college and career planning. All students in grades 9-12 have access to their Naviance account through their Clever dashboard.

Take the online career interest and skills survey to find a career that's right for you! offers a comprehensive solution for career planners at all stages of career development.

To learn more about in-demand career pathways as well as work-based learning opportunities, please visit the Strategic Ohio Council for Higher Education (SOCHE) for more information about the great career opportunities in our region.